08 April 2010

Feng Shui: Important position of kitchens and stoves

The stove is an important element in house feng shui. It affects the health and financial status of the occupants. From the feng shui practitioner’s perspective, the positioning of the stove can be adjusted to fine-tune the occupant’s physical health condition and improve his financial status.

Here are the do’s & don’ts:
  1. The stove must be placed at a ‘hidden location’ in the kitchen. It is not advisable for it to be visible from the main door specifically, and back door or side door generally. It means that you should not be able to see the stove when you are standing at the main door entrance. If the stove can be seen from the main door, it not only means that money will be leaking out, which results in weak money luck, but also indicates that the housewife is exposed to outside seduction. If the stove is facing the side or back door directly, this would cause money to be ‘lost’.
  2. The stove should not be placed at the center of the house. This could bring misfortune.
  3. The stove should not be facing the toilet door directly as this would bring poor health. The situation would be even worse if the stove is facing the toilet bowl directly.
  4. If the stove is in a position with the toilet above it on the second floor, this could bring bad luck and cause the owner to have a weak immune system.
  5. Having a beam above the stove can bring spinal cord-related health problems to the owner.
  6. A drainage system located under the stove can cause miscarriages and sickness in relation to the reproductive system and abdomen.
  7. Having a washing machine or water tank at the back of the stove can cause a fluctuation in the financial condition of the owner.
  8. Placing the stove near/side by side the refrigerator or water tap can bring about antagonistic social relationship for the occupants.
  9. A stove facing the kitchen door directly can cause bad health.
  10. A stove that faces a tap can bring about accidents.
  11. A stove should not face the altar.
  12. There should not be a walkway at the back of the stove. Normally, this brings unstable income to the occupant.
  13. All knifes in the kitchen must be kept in a drawer and not be visible all the time.
Source: The Sun