22 October 2010

Drill Through Tile Without Cracking It

Tried drilling through tile but could not keep the bit in one place? Watched your beautiful tile work be destroyed when the tile cracked? Never put up that extra shelf or rack because you never thought you could drill through tile? I'll explain how and it is not as difficult as you think.
Locate the tile that you want to drill into. Place masking tape over the area that you want to drill, I recommend making an X with the masking tape. Measure the exact spot that you wish to place your drill hole and remeasure to be absolutely sure.

Place your drill bit into the power drill and place it on the exact spot that you want to make your hole. SLOWLY run the drill to start the hole. As you feel the drill working its way through the hard surface of the tile apply just enough pressure to keep the drill moving through the tile and no more. As the drill penetrates the surface of the tile you can steadily increase the speed and pressure of the power drill. Do not force the drill just apply steady and even pressure. When you think the drill bit is almost through the tile slow down the speed of the drill and let it work its way through the tile in an even manner as not to crack its way through the back of the tile. When you know you are through the tile put the drill in reverse and slowly work the drill bit out of the tile. Remove the tape and move on to the next hole.

Another method of drilling through tile is to use an etching tool to lightly etch the surface of the tile in the exact spot that you wish to drill. This will allow the drill bit to grab the surface and not slide all over the place. If you are drilling many holes for a large project you may consider making a template out of a piece of wood. The wood can be cut in the same size as the tile and a hole drilled in the exact spot you wish to make your hole in the tile. Place the block of wood over the tile and drill through the pre-drilled hole and your tile will be drilled in the exact spot every time. I would still recommend a piece of tape on the tile as extra precaution against cracking or chipping.

Tips & Warnings

  • Make sure the screws that you are planning on using are the right size for the hole you drilled. Over sized screws will crack the tile and your efforts to drill without damaging the tile will be wasted. Most tiles are in an area that is close to water use and subject to moisture so be sure to use screws that will not rust. When securing a metal object to tile you should always have a gasket between the metal and the tile to allow for a secure fit. Metal to tile does not make for a secure and lasting connection.
  • Always use safety glasses when working with a drill. If you are working over a tile floor, sink or tub you should always place a mat below the work area in the event that you drop the drill. Dropping the drill could crack the tile floor or chip the sink or tub and those repairs are extremely costly so be sure to use extra caution.