06 December 2012

Mosquitoes No More

PermaNet® Pre-treated Mosquito Netting

Repels and knocks down mosquitoes and flies
Now keeping your family safe from dengue is more convenient and economical.
PermaNet®, a high-quality and pre-treated mosquito net which kills and repels mosquitoes and house flies. The ready and easy-to-use PermaNet® mosquito net lasts for minimum of 20 washes which ensures a peaceful sleep.

How it works?
The insecticide (deltamethrin) is applied evenly to the netting fibres with a binding chemical, ensuring that the insecticide is always present at the surface of the net. The insecticide last even after multiple washes and for years. Deltamethrin Kills or Repels mosquitoes when they land on the net.

Benefits of PermaNet:
Convenient : Ready-to-use.
Long-lasting : Lasts a lot longer than ordinary nets.
Effective : Universally accepted as the best method for protection against Dengue and Malaria.
Recognized : PermaNet is recommended by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.).
Safe : Perfectly safe for pregnant women, adults, children and babies. It is also odorless.

We also have:

 PermaNet® Pre-treated Net Curtains

Contact Mr. Murli at:

34 - J – 0 – 9 ,JALAN WANGSA DELIMA 6, KLSC II, 
TEL : 03 – 4131 8183 
WEBSITE : www.anikapadu.com

Automated Bicycle Parking - Only in Japan

04 December 2012

Hazy Car Headlights Solution

Painting Tips: Paint Tray

  • Create a disposable paint tray liner with aluminum foil which you can reuse again.

Painting Tips: Rubber Band Trick

Use a rubber band across the top of your paint container as a place to wipe off excess paint from your brush. That way you are not wiping the brush on the side of the can, making a messes. This way you can store the paint longer.